Avast Free Antivirus 24.6

Avast Free Antivirus 24.6

Free Real-time virus protection with 6 layers of security, including behavior alert system and Wi-Fi netw
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24.6.6121 See all
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Awards (5)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer User Rating 4

Protecting your computer against all kinds of threats and hacker attacks does not always involve purchasing a license. Among the various free antivirus tools available out there, Avast Free Antivirus offers you true effective protection against all malware, spyware, and (new to this version) ransomware programs attempting to damage your PC or steal sensitive information from it.

After paying for a license for a well-known antivirus product for a number of years, I realized that there were free antivirus out there that were offering the level of protection that my level of exposure actually needed, and decided to give Avast Free Antivirus (known at that time as “avast! Antivirus”) a try. It’s been installed on my PC since then, offering me the level and the sense of security that I really needed, nothing more. I understand that certain companies or individuals with a greater deal of sensitive information may require stronger and higher levels of protection, and that is why the Premium Security and Ultimate editions of Avast Antivirus exist. That, and to get rid of all the ads the free version displays on its main window.

For humbler users like yours truly, a free and more basic antivirus tool does suffice. As long as it is reliable and does protect you against real threats, that is. And I can certify that Avast Free Antivirus is a tool that is silently and constantly working in the background to protect your PC against any external threat, as well as to check that no threats have found their way into your valuable data already. more

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Provides effective protection against all kinds of threats
  • Offers whitelists and blacklists
  • Has various scan types, including custom scans
  • Offers extensions for the most widely used browsers
  • Includes a software upadater and a password manager


  • Displays ads on the main window

Comments (8)

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rating Naoba meitei
I have used avast for four years and it has always served me well.

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rating Samuel Ngo
I have used Avast for several years and it has always served me well.

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Why can't I update the software to the new version?

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